Sunday, November 16, 2008

My little grouch face is now a happy boy!

for the first few weeks of josiah's life i was a little worried. i was spoiled iwth having ely first. she was a very mellow baby. don't get me wrong, no matter what kind of baby you have, it's still hard but ely was very easy to please. josiah was not as easy to please. we were having a tough time at night and during the day, there wasn't much of a break. but now that my little one is becoming more familar with the world around him and it's not as scary, he is blossoming into a cooing, smiling and giggling little boy. i'm trying to catch video of him laughing, but he always gets distracted by the camera and stops.

here's some pictures of my smiling boy!

no post would be complete without my other little joy

waiting for daddy to get home (our screen is kind of dirty!)

we all love daddy

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