Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Button Jar

in an effort to encourage positive behavior from ely, we started a button jar. i did this in my classroom and it works great. whenever ely does something positive, like following directions or being kind to her brother (which is the real reason for the jar!) she gets to put some buttons into her jar. when the jar is filled, she gets to choose a special treat. the first time she filled the jar up, she wanted to spend the at daddy's work. how cute?! we couldn't spend the day at daddy's work, so we decided to have a special lunch with him.
this time when she filled up her jar, i picked her treat...i took her to build-a-bear. i knew that she would love it and she did! she can wrestle and get dirty with all the boys, but she is definitely a girly girl! she loved trying dresses on her dog and looking at all the accessories. boy, there are ALOT of things to waste your money in at that store! we were trying to keep costs down, so she got to pick a less expensive animal and one dress. because we went on a weekday, there was no one else there, so the staff spent alot of time with her making the trip worth while. so here we are with ely's new dog kelly...

filling kelly up

each animal gets a heart inside the fluff. the lady had ely touch different parts of her body to help bring kelly to "life." here she's kissing the heart so kelly knows she loves her. ely loved this!

you have to give your dog a bath!

brushing kelly

dressing kelly

Monday, May 4, 2009

Almost Walking...

i've been asked a couple of times to post josiah walking. this was taken about three weeks ago. he's not walking yet, he still has to use the walker but he's much faster now. he pulls himself up on everything and i can see the idea stating to dawn on him that he could use his little feet to get to the next place. hopefully not until after our midwest whirlwind trip!

i'll try to take more video and post that tomorrow! enjoy!

Meet Our New Neighbors!

a bird family has moved in right outside our bathroom window. last week, we started to hear little peeps outside the window and could see little beaks popping out. if we watch for awhile the mama bird comes and feeds the babies. ely has named them (of course): towel, showel, tbowel and monkey. i don't know which one is which. :)

they're little, but they're loud!

this is when i thought one of the babies was going to fall out!

the mama bird feeding one