Friday, March 27, 2009

His New Diet and His Strong Will

today marks the first time josiah has had something other breast milk. he's been showing some signs of interest in eating so i decided to let him explore with some apple and banana. we bought one of those mesh feeders that you can put solid food in and the baby can chew and suck without the fear of choking. i wasn't sure how he was going to respond. i figured that he would play with it at the very least. well, he caught one VERY quickly! he took it and put it is his mouth, and after the initial shock of something in his mouth, he sat on the tile for 10 minutes sucking and chewing. i took it away to put another little piece in and he had a meltdown. within seconds of giving it back to him he stopped crying and started munching again. i think we may have another strong willed child on our hands! welcome josiah to the wonderful world of food!

this was when i took it away from him and...

when i gave it back!


Anonymous said...

did he like the bananas or apples more or did you mix them? Isaac loves this teether mesh thing. Peas are one of his favorites! did you guys give ely food for the first time in one of those?

Preston and Angie said...

i tried peas today and he wasn't too hot on them. i'm going to keep trying them though. fruit is an easy one because it's sweet. ely didn't eat foods until she was like 9 or 10 months old. we used the mesh a little , but she was old enough to just do finger foods. messy, but fun!