Thursday, January 22, 2009

It's the Thought that Counts, Right?

here's ely's dinner prayer the other night:

Thank you god for our food. thank you god for our day. thank you god for my family, except josiah. amen.

(i think she really meant ESPECIALLY josiah)

i love her!


Jason said...

Take this opportunity to encourage sibling rivalry and competition for your love as parents

Leslie said...

OHHH! I love her to pieces!!!

Allensville said...


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be so sure, lol. I bet her Aunt Debbie's thought the same about Sean often enough, just as Ely said it (not especially).

Really, she's just too cute.
G'ma Melinda

Anne said...

Oh my gosh that is just too cute!! I can't wait to see her...ummm, I mean you... tonight! :)